The DVD is soon going to be released in UK and US. So BVI/Disney has decided to show us some extracts from Grant Gee’s documentary “Don’t Crash” (which will be included on the 2 DVD set which will be released first in the UK)

Here is the clip published some days ago by about the whale : HERE

There should be another one soon (well it should be online already) but I won’t be able to deal with it before next week (a few holidays at last!!)

First some good news from france. H2G2 is doing fine at the French box office. H2G2 has reached 240.000 viewers (with 25O prints) in one week which is quite good.

Sadly, we’ve got bad news from Italy. I thought that the movie will be released there in october, but I got a mail from Emilio, an Italian fan : “here in Italy was released on friday 12th of august! BUT the distribution was very bad. Only in 12 theater (all warner bros multiplexes) over the whole country :(( and no trailer on tv or before other movies in theaters. I think in Italy IS a flop 🙁 but caused by the distribution. I can’t understand why they have released it in mid-august…we can win the prize for worst earnings DNA’s works are not very famous in Italy, this movie could be a very good starting point for new fans, but not with (no)promotion like this”.