“As explained on Towel-day.com : “What? Carry your towel the whole day with you, wherever you go. When? Every year at May 25th. Where? Of course everywhere you go! And why? May 25th is the commemoration day for the Douglas Adams, the author of the world-celebrated book The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, who unfortunately passed away 2001.” Don’t forget to take a picture of you and your towel and to post it all around the web. This year, we’re going to make something huge for the Towel day here in Paris. We found the perfect Deep Thought at Gare du Nord in Paris and we’re going to play the 42 scene in front of it for towel Day. There will be a video and some pictures for those who’ll miss the event but if you can come it would be great. We’ll meet in the Gare du Nord main hall on monday 25th at 20h30 with our towels. For those who don’t believe we’ve found Deep Thought here is a picture :