by Nicolas Botti | Oct 14, 2009 | News
The 9th october, a few days before the Hitchcon, Eoin Colfer answered to some questions asked by the fans (the first one is mine!). Here is the video of the webchat :
by Nicolas Botti | Sep 23, 2009 | News
I just got this email. This is the opportunity to quizz Eoin Colfer on a webTV show that will be broadcast friday 9th October. Click here to submit questions before the chat. For more information visit “People of Earth! Don’t Panic! Quiz the...
by Nicolas Botti | Aug 8, 2009 | News
I’ve just finished reading the first half of “And another thing”, the sixth book in “The Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy” written by Eoin Colfer.First I’d like to thank Penguin and Eoin Colfer’s website for organizing...
by Nicolas Botti | Jul 29, 2009 | News
Now that Penguin sent the first eight chapters to some lucky bast°°°s who won a copy of the proof, the first reviews (for these eight chapters) begin to appear on the web. Here is an extract posted by my friend Kevin Davies who chose it because it sounds a lot like...
by Nicolas Botti | Jul 24, 2009 | News
There have been some great news latelty about the upcoming 6th book of H2G2 written by Eoin Colfer. First, Penguin has just distributed a few preview copies of this sixth book on Eoin Colfer’s official website. You could read on the website’s blog that...