Babel fish is now on yahoo!

If Altavista was the first to put online a Babel fish to help internauts to translate web pages, they are no more the only ones. The all new Yahoo introduces now a translation tool, called… Babel fish. Well most of the Yahoos do anyway. The american, english or...

H2G2 movie exhibition at Blackpool zoo (UK)

The H2G2 movie science museum exhibition is at the Blackpool zoo (UK) since last february. There have not been much informations about it. But this is good news for the guys who missed the science museum exhibition and are going to be in UK this summer. Don’t...

Tertiary phase wins the “Audie award of the year”

Every year at this time the US Audio Publishers Association (APA) holds its annual Audie Awards. The awards, given in 29 categories, were announced May 19, 2006 at an awards ceremony held in Washington, DC. The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy Tertiary Phase won the...