Karey and Martin enjoy the movie thing!

According Martin Freeman’s offcial website runed by his brother Jamie, Martin is very happy with the reharsals. Listen to what Jamie says : “Work has started on rehearsals for the movie. Martin is rehearsing his role as Arthur Dent in London along with...

Steve Pemberton will play Prosser

Casting goes on! The new actor officially casted in the movie is british actor Steve Pemberton who will play Prosser, employee of the local concil, who wants to destroy Arthur Dent’s house. He’s also a direct male-line descendant of Genghis Kahn, though he...

Casting for extras is speeding

According to Lloyd Gilbert, a regular poster on the google forum, “I have it on reasonably believable authority that a colleague of a friend of mine is going to be in The Movie. She’s cast as an alien. Via the medium of emailing my friend, who then emailed...

Various little news from Hollywood and beyond !

Sorry for the lack of news’ updates these last weeks but there was nothing terribly exciting going on in Hollywood regarding our (already) beloved movie (and i was honestly a little busy !). Of course it could be only calm before the tempest. The beginning of...

Slartibartfast has officially been cast

After months of wait, the british actor Bill Nighy (recently seen in “Love Actualy”) will definitly and officially play our old planet designer, Slartbibartfast. As Nighy said to BBCi films when his name was first anounced : “I’m a big fan of...
Sam Rockwell will be Zaphod

Sam Rockwell will be Zaphod

Now, all the main characters are casted. It is now official that Sam Rockwell will play Zaphod, as the day before we learnt that Warwick Davis will definitly play Marvin part. Now the official casting looks like this : Arthur…Martin Freeman Ford…Mos Def...