by Nicolas Botti | Sep 5, 2006 | News
Finally the long wait is almost over. The H2G2 tertiary phase DVD-A is almost here with 5.1 surrond sound mix, behind the scene video, photo gallery, audio extras and a complete version of the Krikkit song. According to the great Kevin Davies (H2G2 expert and who...
by Nicolas Botti | May 27, 2006 | News
Every year at this time the US Audio Publishers Association (APA) holds its annual Audie Awards. The awards, given in 29 categories, were announced May 19, 2006 at an awards ceremony held in Washington, DC. The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy Tertiary Phase won the...
by Nicolas Botti | Jun 21, 2005 | News
First, I would like to apologize. This site has been offline during several days, the forum is no more avalaible due to a change of webhost, but nevertheless this site will grow in the next weeks and months to keep a memory of maybe the best Hitchhiker’s...
by Nicolas Botti | May 4, 2005 | News
To celebrate the broadcasting of Hitchhiker’s radio series last installment, Simon Jones and Geoffrey Mc Guivern (Arthur and Ford in the radio series) joined the BBC radio 4 website for a live webchat. And of course it was a nice chat because these guys (that I...
by Nicolas Botti | Apr 28, 2005 | News
Above the title and the BBC radio series website have both heavily updated a few days before the broadcast of the last instalments the utterly famous Hitchhiker’s radio series = the Quandary and the Quintessential phases. The Quandary Phase will begin at 6.30pm...